

类型:微电影 爱情 科幻 美国 2010 

主演:千禹熙 金东旭 

导演:Jo Hyo-jin Im Hyung-taek Kim Ju-hyung 


在(➿)Altera SoC DE1板卡上跑完整的卷积神(🌿)经网络





使用CPU实现卷积神经(🔄)网络比较方便调试,但性能太差,一般人们都选(👍)用更快的GPU实现。目前开源的框架大多都支持GPU,如伯克利大学Caffe和Google Convnet。

微软在2015年2月宣布使用Stratix V完成了CNN加速器,处理 CIFAR10 图片速度可达每秒2300多张。

这里我们也使用CIFAR10图片(🕙)数据,在Cyclone V板子上跑一个卷积神经网络CNN demo。由于板子上计算资源太少((🕛)DSP Slice只有80多个),实现完整的网络不太现实,只能在FPGA上实现基本计(🔰)算单元,然后由HPS统一调度。性能预期不会太高,后面给出。






这是世界上第一个将CNN实用化的例子,实现了手写体字母自动识别。在这个CNN模型中,可以看到输入是一张32 x 32的二维图像,经过卷积层(Convolution)、下采样层(Subsampling,也称Pooling)、全连接层(Full Connection,也称Inner Product)后,得到一组概率密度,我们选其中概率最大的元素作为该模(⏹)型对输入图像的分类结果。所以实现CNN时,只需要实现三种基本算法:卷积、下采样、矩(😈)阵乘。除此之外,每层输出都可选择是(💎)否经过非线性变换,常用(🕕)的非线性变换有ReLU和Sigmoid,前者计算较为简单,使用较为广泛。


name: "CIFAR10_quick_test"input: "data"input_dim: 1input_dim: 3input_dim: 32input_dim: 32layers {name: "conv1"type: CONVOLUTIONbottom: "data"top: "conv1"blobs_lr: 1blobs_lr: 2convolution_param {num_output: 32pad: 2kernel_size: 5stride: 1}}layers {name: "pool1"type: POOLINGbottom: "conv1"top: "pool1"pooling_param {pool: MAXkernel_size: 3stride: 2}}layers {name: "relu1"type: RELUbottom: "pool1"top: "pool1"}layers {name: "conv2"type: CONVOLUTIONbottom: "pool1"top: "conv2"blobs_lr: 1blobs_lr: 2convolution_param {num_output: 32pad: 2kernel_size: 5stride: 1}}layers {name: "relu2"type: RELUbottom: "conv2"top: "conv2"}layers {name: "pool2"type: POOLINGbottom: "conv2"top: "pool2"pooling_param {pool: AVEkernel_size: 3stride: 2}}layers {name: "conv3"type: CONVOLUTIONbottom: "pool2"top: "conv3"blobs_lr: 1blobs_lr: 2convolution_param {num_output: 64pad: 2kernel_size: 5stride: 1}}layers {name: "relu3"type: RELUbottom: "conv3"top: "conv3"}layers {name: "pool3"type: POOLINGbottom: "conv3"top: "pool3"pooling_param {pool: AVEkernel_size: 3stride: 2}}layers {name: "ip1"type: INNER_PRODUCTbottom: "pool3"top: "ip1"blobs_lr: 1blobs_lr: 2inner_product_param {num_output: 64}}layers {name: "ip2"type: INNER_PRODUCTbottom: "ip1"top: "ip2"blobs_lr: 1blobs_lr: 2inner_product_param {num_output: 10}}layers {name: "prob"type: SOFTMAXbottom: "ip2"top: "prob"}


可见,上(⛽)述模型经过了3个卷积层(conv1, conv2, conv3)(🏿),每个卷积层后面都(🌮)跟着下采样层((🅿)pool1, pool2, pool3),之后有两个全连接层(ip1, ip2),最后一层prob为SOFTMAX分类层,是计算概率密度的,这里我们不需要关心。



通过计算量统计发现conv2计算量最大,其次是conv3和conv1。全连接层的计算量相对卷积(🤕)层较小,但不可忽略。其他层(pool1, pool2以及各级relu)由于计算量太小,本设计中没有将其实现为Open CL kernel,而是直接CPU端实现。


在DE1-SOC上我利用了友晶提供的Open CL BSP,支持C语言开发FPGA。


__attribute__((num_compute_units(4)))__kernelvoid conv(__global float * a, __global float * b, __global float * c, const int M, const int N, const int K){int gx = get_global_id(0);int gy = get_global_id(1);float tmp=0.0f;for(int x = 0; x < K; x ++){for(int y = 0; y < K; y ++){tmp += a[(gx + x) * M + (gy + y)] * b[x * K + y];}}



__attribute__((num_compute_units(4)))__kernelvoid gemm(__global float * a, __global float * b, __global float * c, const int M, const int N, const int K){int gx = get_global_id(0);int gy = get_global_id(1);int sy = get_global_size(1);int sx = get_global_size(0);int s = sx * sy;for(int x = gx; x < M; x += sx){for(int y = gy; y < N; y += sy){float tmp=0.0f;for(int z = 0; z < K; z++){tmp += a[z * M + x] * b[y * K + z];}c[y * M + x] = tmp;}}}


编译kernel函数需要使用Altera SDK for OpenCL,我用的(🏑)版(👅)本是14.0.0.200,申请了两个月的license。编译使用命令行aoc,得(🥈)到*.aocx文件。

Open CL编译输出报告中(🏗)给出了资源占(✝)用情况:(🍝)

+--------------------------------------------------------------------+; Estimated Resource Usage Summary ;+----------------------------------------+---------------------------+; Resource + Usage ;+----------------------------------------+---------------------------+; Logic utilization ; 83% ;; Dedicated logic registers ; 46% ;; Memory blocks ; 57% ;; DSP blocks ; 25% ;+----------------------------------------+---------------------------;




将这两个文件拷贝到SD卡,按照(🛥)前面的博客对板子进行设置,将CNN的模型、CIFAR10数据也拷贝到SD卡中,板子(👼)上电,mount SD卡到/mnt,执行cnn,得到输出如下:

<div class="blockcode"><blockquote>Please input the number of images(1~100):100Loading data...OK!Constructing CNN...OK!Begin calculation...Elapsed Time = 141.861 s.Real Label = 3(cat), Calc Label = 3(cat), error count = 0Real Label = 8(ship), Calc Label = 8(ship), error count = 0Real Label = 8(ship), Calc Label = 8(ship), error count = 0Real Label = 0(airplane), Calc Label = 0(airplane), error count = 0Real Label = 6(frog), Calc Label = 6(frog), error count = 0Real Label = 6(frog), Calc Label = 6(frog), error count = 0Real Label = 1(automobile), Calc Label = 1(automobile), error count = 0Real Label = 6(frog), Calc Label = 6(frog), error count = 0Real Label = 3(cat), Calc Label = 3(cat), error count = 0Real Label = 1(automobile), Calc Label = 1(automobile), error count = 0Real Label = 0(airplane), Calc Label = 0(airplane), error count = 0Real Label = 9(truck), Calc Label = 9(truck), error count = 0Real Label = 5(dog), Calc Label = 5(dog), error count = 0Real Label = 7(horse), Calc Label = 7(horse), error count = 0Real Label = 9(truck), Calc Label = 9(truck), error count = 0Real Label = 8(ship), Calc Label = 8(ship), error count = 0Real Label = 5(dog), Calc Label = 5(dog), error count = 0Real Label = 7(horse), Calc Label = 7(horse), error count = 0Real Label = 8(ship), Calc Label = 8(ship), error count = 0Real Label = 6(frog), Calc Label = 6(frog), error count = 0Real Label = 7(horse), Calc Label = 7(horse), error count = 0Real Label = 0(airplane), Calc Label = 2(bird), error count = 1Real Label = 4(deer), Calc Label = 4(deer), error count = 1Real Label = 9(truck), Calc Label = 9(truck), error count = 1Real Label = 5(dog), Calc Label = 4(deer), error count = 2Real Label = 2(bird), Calc Label = 3(cat), error count = 3Real Label = 4(deer), Calc Label = 4(deer), error count = 3Real Label = 0(airplane), Calc Label = 0(airplane), error count = 3Real Label = 9(truck), Calc Label = 9(truck), error count = 3Real Label = 6(frog), Calc Label = 6(frog), error count = 3Real Label = 6(frog), Calc Label = 6(frog), error count = 3Real Label = 5(dog), Calc Label = 5(dog), error count = 3Real Label = 4(deer), Calc Label = 4(deer), error count = 3Real Label = 5(dog), Calc Label = 5(dog), error count = 3Real Label = 9(truck), Calc Label = 9(truck), error count = 3Real Label = 2(bird), Calc Label = 3(cat), error count = 4Real Label = 4(deer), Calc Label = 7(horse), error count = 5Real Label = 1(automobile), Calc Label = 9(truck), error count = 6Real Label = 9(truck), Calc Label = 9(truck), error count = 6Real Label = 5(dog), Calc Label = 5(dog), error count = 6Real Label = 4(deer), Calc Label = 4(deer), error count = 6Real Label = 6(frog), Calc Label = 6(frog), error count = 6Real Label = 5(dog), Calc Label = 5(dog), error count = 6Real Label = 6(frog), Calc Label = 6(frog), error count = 6Real Label = 0(airplane), Calc Label = 0(airplane), error count = 6Real Label = 9(truck), Calc Label = 9(truck), error count = 6Real Label = 3(cat), Calc Label = 5(dog), error count 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count = 14Real Label = 8(ship), Calc Label = 8(ship), error count = 14Real Label = 1(automobile), Calc Label = 1(automobile), error count = 14Real Label = 1(automobile), Calc Label = 1(automobile), error count = 14Real Label = 7(horse), Calc Label = 7(horse), error count = 14Real Label = 2(bird), Calc Label = 2(bird), error count = 14Real Label = 5(dog), Calc Label = 7(horse), error count = 15Real Label = 2(bird), Calc Label = 2(bird), error count = 15Real Label = 7(horse), Calc Label = 7(horse), error count = 15Real Label = 8(ship), Calc Label = 8(ship), error count = 15Real Label = 9(truck), Calc Label = 9(truck), error count = 15Real Label = 0(airplane), Calc Label = 0(airplane), error count = 15Real Label = 3(cat), Calc Label = 4(deer), error count = 16Real Label = 8(ship), Calc Label = 8(ship), error count = 16Real Label = 6(frog), Calc Label = 6(frog), error count = 16Real Label = 4(deer), Calc Label = 4(deer), error count = 16Real Label = 6(frog), Calc Label = 6(frog), error count = 16Real Label = 6(frog), Calc Label = 6(frog), error count = 16Real Label = 0(airplane), Calc Label = 2(bird), error count = 17Real Label = 0(airplane), Calc Label = 0(airplane), error count = 17Real Label = 7(horse), Calc Label = 7(horse), error count = 17Classify Score = 83 %.

上面的执行流程是这样的,首先输入测试样本数目(1到(📘)100),由于DE1板子FPGA端SDRAM容量较小,难以加载全部测试数据(10000张图片),故每次(🎂)最多装入100张图(🛁)片。之后(👏)载入数据到HPS内存,然后开始构建CNN模型,构建过程中也实现了Open CL的初始化。构建完毕,将输入图像依次通过CNN,得到一系列分类结果,与标(🏵)签进行对比,统计错误分类个数,计算分类准确率。



((✅)1)使(🔞)用Open CL可以很方便地移植(🍏)高级语言编写的算法;


(3)Cyclone 5逻辑资源(🍯)较少(85K,Open CL kernel占用了83%)(🚻),如果希望进一步提高计算速度,一方面可(🏘)以选用高性能器件(如(🆘)Stratix V、(🏆)Arria 10),另一方面可以使用(👴)RTL自己搭建计算系统。




















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