

类型:其它 动作 恐怖 日本 2001 

主演:金宝罗 金宰铉 申素率 





原创翻译:龙腾网(🛩) http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:yzy86 转载请注明出处

The Chinese React To Disney’s Mulan Trailer | ASIAN BOSS


(视频简介)2019年(🤳)7月18日发布,播放数34万,1万人点赞,114人点(💓)踩(🏔),由Asian Boss出品


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:yzy86 转载请注(👓)明出处

1、I think Chinesepeople want Mulan to accurately represent Chinese culture, while American peoplewant Mulan to do all the Disney things that they expect Disney to do.


(回复1)I think it's the same for all American movies portraying non-Whitecultures. Many African Americans and Africans are not happy with the BlackPanther as well.


(回复2)There has been a lot of dramas and movies on the person Mulan soChinese people would have compared them side by side instead of lixing it tothe Disney animation.


(回复3)The problem that I have with that is that they already havemultiple ‘accurately’ portrayed Mulan.We only have 1 version with Disney song, and we will now continue to only have1 version.


(回复4)Cuz people love entertainment lol it's okay but when it comes tohistorical literature

Leave it the way it is



(回复8)Yes do all the things. To make money because China is the secondlargest economy and Hollywood knows they have to make it right. The edge is onthe Chinese side. Look at Marvels Shang Chi. I am Chinese American myself,Chinese are very sensitive and are out spoken these days unlike before. Its abouttime we get the representation we deserve.


(回复9)I'm not american, but European, but I do care much aboutauthenticity. For example: I hate dubbed films and television series, or moviessupposedly located in non-english speaking countries yet all actors speakenglish. It destroys immersion for me.


If a movie takes place in China or Japan,then I want the actors to speak Mandarin, Cantonese or Japanese, with subtitlesfor me to read. It makes the story more immersive.


(回复10)I mean Disney is a child version of the folklore or history. Theother European Disney stories aren’t exactly according to the folklore either.They’ve changed some things for kids.


(回复1)Should be a tomboy


(回复2)Although I agreed at first, Liu Yifei does seem a lot more toneddown and more natural-looking in the trailer than she does in other photos andvideos of her.


(回复3)the context was that Mulan decided to take her FATHER'S place ingetting conscxted into the military, so she had to dress down and"pass" as a man (in the historical/legendary version. As for what The Mouse does to brainwashchildren into buying Season Passes to the Tragic Kingdom when tweaking thestory, that's something else entirely). The original story was about filial piety, and the extent to which adaughter would go to save her father's honor, not whatever agenda a bunch oftwatter idiots are pushing this week.


((✖)回复4)It's something that they doso much in Hollywood (and other countries doing similar movies).


They always pick a pretty, feminine actressto play the part of a girl pretending to be a boy. Unless they do seriousmakeup (like, with facial prosthetics), it never looks right.


(回复5)No ofense but asian woman does not have curv body like most westernwoman, its easy to pass for a man.


(回复6)if by curves you means rolls then I agree


(回复6)China did genetic engineering on children


(回复7)If you know how competitive this day in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan,you could understand the reason. It is likely her parent send her to lots ofoff school classes where she grows faster than other kids do. Elite system iswhat we call it, the whole education system is encouraging such culture andthere is very little space of failure.


4、Hua Mulan 替(🍾)父从军 is achinese story of filial piety. But Disney made their movie about a millennial’s struggleto fit in.


5、love the elderlygentleman instantly thinking of the actual, historical legend, not the animatedadaption.


(回复1)I was hoping to hear more from him... I don't know much about theoriginal character.


(回复2)The animated film got backlash for potrayal of Chinese culture andthe disrespect of the dragon when it was first released. That's why not a lotof Chinese know or have seen the movie. But a lot of younger people might haveseen it thanks to the internet.


(回复3)there's no official facts about Mulan, from what I've read. Theclosest they have come to appoint ONE female to maybe be Mulan, was emperorTaizang's daughter. Otherwise during the invasion from Mongolia, it has beensaid that even women fought in the military. Which could've lead to the storyabout Mulan.


(回复4)I guess it is about the spirit of doing it. Everything around thestory is trivial. War is frequent, winners will get praised all the time.


But the young woman had the spirit to goall the way, and then return home and continue normal life. Unbroken. Doingwhat she understands has to be done.


So she is inspiring through thousands ofyears.


The Western hocuspocus in that sense takesaway from the core of the story, though it might be entertaining.


I think this is what the Chinese peoplemeant when commenting..


(回复5)It was her Dao or Dharma to serve and help out and thus to be a goodcomrade also. She was up to it and shows a woman can do it as well.

But she does not get addicted to war andfame.



6、the little mermaidis Danish. When has Disney ever cared?!


7、At least they didn'tcast Emma Stone to play Mulan.



8、Disney is just doingthat to get audience. Because being white isn't popular today. So they maketheir characters black, gay, female, for no reason. I'm a woman, and a part ofthe lgbtq community and it still makes me mad. Captain Marvel shouldn't hadbeen female, Ariel shouldn't be black. And half of the characters they makequeer shouldn't be. Especially when it's an old story that has a lot of meaningto a nation.



9、Chinese know Mulanfrom their school, western world know Mulan from a cartoon and that's thedifference


(回复1)Well it's hardly surprising. Why should western schools spend timeteaching students about the Ballad of Mulan, when Mulan as a historical figureplayed no part whatsoever in shaping western history?


You only have so much time in primaryschool. Priorities have to be made, and thus it's only more sensible to focuson historical figures more close to home.


(回复1)I think that ended up contributing in large part to why people weredisappointed. They were expecting a re-make of the animated film since that'show Disney marketed it but if from the very beginning they had stated it to besomething else entirely I don't think the opinions would be so polarized.


13、2:03"Live-action movies destroy the animated ones"

Sad but true. To some extent



14、At least Mulan'sactually Chinese in this remake




15、The main thing somepeople failed to notice was that Mulan was a daughter of farmers and she was tannedmeaning she was lower class, this chick is white as snow lol upper class no tanxD? Seriously a lot of people missed it xD


(回复1)This is something I perceived too. And I also think Mulan was alittle more bulky, since she was mistaken for a man.


(回复2)people nowadays in America are so uptight about how people lookaccording to race and would denounce them from their own race demographic ifthey don't look the part.


(回复3)That's what that short haired girl said. But sadly even Chinaproductions always cast those petite big eyed fair feminine actresses for thesegender bender roles. It's so obvious that Liu yifei looks so much bettercompared.


(回复4)my friend is tanned chinese and she’s gorgeous and fierce if she wasan actress she would be perfect for the role lol


(回复5)Daughters of farmers/peasants can’t afford to wear and dress the wayshe did.


(回复1)Just like the recent shin godzilla movie it wasent received well inthe U.S because it focused around japan related problems


(回复2)Well, not to offend you, but Americans are self-centered people forme. They probably thought the whole world revolves to them because there are somany immigrants there. An example, forcing people to speak English because"you're here in America, speak English" when obviously they are notpart of a conversation.


17、(越南)Disney's Mulanis so dramatic. So to entertain, you can watch it. But to learn history, don'twatch it :-0


((📹)回复1)Nobody watch disney movie to "learn history". You don't seepeople telling you to watch frozen to learn norway history .


(回复2)Hollywood cast Asian male only if there is a high class kungfufighting scene is needed. Like JackieChan has said, they never cast Asianmale in serious role but only for comedy and fighting... They didn't know orpretend not to know that Asian male are one of the best in romantic role orRomCom or other families related serious role? The reason why youngsters around the world are craze at Cdrama, Kdrama, Jdrama testify it all.


(回复3)(🎞)The thing is why do asian males depend on hollywood to voice themwhen Asian countries have a thriving film industries such as China, Japan andKorea ?...unless Asian males are seeking validation and acceptation of whitepeople in the western world. You mentioned all these dramas fromasia....created by who americans or asians....asians of course because theyknow themself the best and not someamerican director. Americans dont even portry their own people the rightway...ever seen how they portry black americans...only as a gangster,streetguy, joker along with asians etc. While white males are presented as yourfavaorite son in law, prince charming, docter etc.


18、chinese : hope thisfilm showing chinese culture more

disney : ok guys, lets go to new zealand



(回复1)My friend was part of the film crew who shot the majority part ofthe film in China. They did some landscape shots in New Zealand, but verylimited actually.



19、It's good to seemost people are looking forward to it. I'm surprised the tulou thing orhistorical inaccuracy of the animation didn't really come up, but that's a goodthing. Actually, the animation was a major fuel into my interest in learningabout Chinese (and later East Asian) culture. It's awesome that the little girlgot to play Mulan too.


26、in China Mulan isthe history legend.. In US.. Mulan is no different to all other Disney'sprincesses or Disney's girls.


27、That little girl wasso insightful and well spoken! She has a bright future ahead of her


28、As an Indian, I malways interested by Chinese culture, mainly the food and language


29、(印尼)I prefer WeiZhao as Hua Mulan. Rise of a Warrior is enough for me.


30、To me Mulan is sospecial among all the Disney Princesses because she is not a princess. She isperhaps one of very few, if not the only, who did not live in a castle,inherited or possessed any special magical ability, had a fairy godmother orinsane good looks, changed her fate by winning the heart of a prince nor livedhappily after as a princess. Mulan is simply a girl who fought her way throughthen returned to her family and lived on as herself.


31、I love how some ofthem thinks Americans thinks Chinese language is an elegant language but yetgrowing up as an Asian American we were CONSTANTLY teased for speaking Chinese.


32、This is a fantasizedversion so of course things aren't going to be realistic. At the very least, Ithink China should be proud that their nation is being represented by Disney.Otherwise, more than likely, Western countries (like the US) probably will noteven be aware of Mulan at all.


Also, the Chinese people being interviewedneed to realize that given the target audience is of Western culture, theycan't really make this with Chinese cultures and traditions in mind. I havefaith Disney will have a good balance of authentic Chinese cultures whilemaking it appealing enough for Western audience.

















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